Saturday, 15 September 2012

Daily Photo Challenge - week 37 is complete

What an awesome week……

Sure – it started with an operation on both eyes.
I was very nervous, but with the help of my awesome hubby 
beside me the whole way I made it through just fine.
The recovery process is well underway and while my eyes don’t look pretty 
(to say the least) 
I’m feeling a little better bit by bit.
My eyes are still very sensitive to light so I can’t concentrate on one thing for too long. 
So during this sick leave there is no blobbing on the couch watching TV all day, reading books or spending hours on the computer.

When I started these two weeks of sick leave my to-do list was very long.
I’m very pleased to say ¾ of it is crossed off already!
I’ve done lots of jobs around the house that had piled up, 
caught up with friends, 
walked the dog every day 
and done a bit of retail therapy.

I’ve also managed to welcome Brian home 
to a tidy home, 
where the fire is going 
and wifey and daughter are relaxed and happy. 
(Sounds like a cliché from the 1950s!)

I’ve been able to spend so much more time with Brian and Sarah this last week 
(despite them both still going to work and Wendy’s each day).
The mornings are so much more relaxed for everyone 
as there are only two people to get out the door, not three.

And because I’m not working, all the evening/night time chores get done during the day instead.
I’ve actually been able to get down on the floor 
with Brian and Sarah after dinner and play silly buggers with them 
rather than worrying about the chores that I need to get done before I go to bed.

And to be honest, I didn't really know what to do with myself this morning (Saturday). 
Usually I have a mountain of washing to get through and the grocery shopping to do.
But that was all done yesterday..........
I’ve got another week of leave to go – 
more friends and family to catch up with, and more jobs to do around the house – 
and then I will come crashing back to reality when I return to work.

But who cares about that right now………
I’ve got another week off before I need to think about that.

15.9.12 - Checking out a new playground

14.9.12 - Walking the dog - part 2

13.9.12 - Walking the dog - part 1

12.9.12 - Monkey-ing around

11.9.12 - Fingers crossed

10.9.12 - Caught ya!
Our "pet" Blackbird helping himself to the dog's breakfast

9.9.12 - Team work to clean Sarah's new wheels

8.9.12 - Hospital goody bag

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